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Bộ điều khiển nhiệt độ SHIMADEN CP3090

Model: SHIMADEN CP3090

Nhà sản xuất: SHIMADEN

Dummy Converter CP3090

  • Dummy Converter CP3090

Dummy converter is for use of CP3200, without using a converter, to fill empty space.
Electrically, it has no function at all, but it prevents clogging up by dust, etc., of the socket of the CP3200’s empty terminal.

Product Characteristics

Since this is filled with an insulator (magnesium oxide), compared to the general type, it has excellent resistance to tremors and collision impact. It is also characterized by a speedy response to temperature change.

Products in the same category

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    (mV) DC Converter CP3003

    Converts DC mV signals into various DC signals for output.
    This is an insulator output mV signal converter.

  • (V/mA) DC Converter CP3004

    (V/mA) DC Converter CP3004

    Converts DC voltage or DC current signal into various DC current signals for output.
    This is an insulator output V/mA signal converter.

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    Compares DC current or DC voltage signal with alarm set point and outputs relay ON/OFF signal.
    This is an insulator 2-point output alarm setter.

  • Distributor CP3007

    Distributor CP3007

    Supplies power to 2-wire type transmitter and converts a 4?20 mA signal into insulated 1?5 V DC for output.
    This is an insulator output distributor.

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